Last Updated on 2 weeks by Liam Lopez
Who am I?
Hello! My name is Leonardo Lopez Hernandez, and I had a fascinating journey before the median of 2023. Back then, I did not care about my high school education; I ventured through my classes with the unfortunate mindset that as long as I had passing grades or passed my summer classes, I could do whatever I wanted. During the first months of 2023, I acquired information that I did not find significant until much later. I became so fascinated by these unconventional studies that I began finding sources on how to achieve or figure out the mechanics and functionalities behind the inventions and phenomena and find new evolutions for these concepts and topics.
The Development of Critical-Thinking
There was so much more to science than what is shown on YouTube, Science Forums, Government and Educational platforms, and Reddit, from unfortunate labels to certain events named pseudoscience, forgotten or ignored inventors, to proofs-of-concept that were not made public (or famous). I used numerous sources (such as Perlego and Internet Archive) to acquire encyclopedias, textbooks, quick references, and personal statements; one technique I show gratitude to is open-source intelligence. I also found books associated with critical thinking, argumentation and fallacies, and cognitive biases. After reading the critical and analytical books first, I did not realize how many fallacies, limited critical thinking, and biases there are at the current time I have this updated and published. I was stunned. There are three books I am grateful for:
- Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, Second Edition, by Richard Paul and Linda Elder.
- Super-Learning, from Sheila Ostrander, Lynn Schroeder, and Nancy Ostrander.
- Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments, Sixth Edition, by T. Edward Damer.
- Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies, Academic Edition, by Bo Bennet.
- Cognitive bias cheat sheet from Buster Benson.
A fascinating fact about these books is that (1) the techniques of critical thinking are continuously growing, and (2) there are more fallacies and biases not covered, with one being created or made in an argument every second! Combined with the study techniques I found online and through brainstorming, I made everything pretty straightforward.
creating the sciucation blog
I wanted to show the world (even if it is a small community) what I know, what I accomplished, and how I can teach them the techniques and information I used to be where I am now. One idea was creating a blog; I have been holding the idea of instituting a blog for many months due to personal matters and wondering if creating a blog was a good idea in the long run. Nonetheless, I created Sciucation, presenting the information I know about science and life, including the techniques used. Am I all-knowing? Nope, not even close; I am continuing my journey, acquiring and refining my knowledge daily. So expect some updates to old and new blog posts.